Monday, February 8, 2010

Solar Mosaic Cats Agree

Snail Mail Rulz!

These are some of the collage and mail art elements on today's outgoing mail.


  1. You are such an artist , I would give my right eye teeth to have an eye like you do and see art in the world and in everything . I m so glad you shared this .

  2. "did i turn the stove off?" my mom is ALWAYS asking that question. before going to bed, before leaving the house, etc etc. i mean, it's really good that she does that to save us from trouble, but i mean.. man.. sometimes it comes up at the weirdest of times. like, we've already left our house and have been on the road for over an hour or something. lol.

  3. I got the "Did I turn the stove off?" one!! :-) I love it!

  4. Just looked at your profile and saw you are a math teacher. I am a math major and did some teaching at the jr. college level, but now I'm in private industry. Looking forward to reading your blog!
