Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Have You Ever Done This?

For those of you who think I'm crazy, here's another piece of evidence. Today is a snow day, meaning no school for me. This makes the second day in a row. I'd rather have gone to school both days, as now we have to make them up on Dec 20 and 21...sigh. But, back to the post.

Even though it is a snow day, I set the alarm clock (on my cellphone) last night anyway. Never mind that it is not necessary. I wake up and get up without an alarm. And, always earlier than 6:15. But, it makes me happy for that alarm to sound and for me to be able to smile and shut it off. It is one of my life's little rituals.

How about you? Have you ever done this?

1 comment:

  1. eeek I hate my alarm clock! Haha I despise the sound of it! However, if it DOES go off and I don't actually have to get up and go to work then I am very very very happy! :)
