Tuesday, June 22, 2010


My daughter Heidi had her eyes peeled and snapped up this bargain for me at the annual Country Club Yard Sale. She knows what makes me happy. Well, both my daughters do. Sharon, in St. Louis, has some things for me as well. I'll pick them up when I fly out there next month.

Can you believe it? Ten, count them, ten cards (with envelopes, not shown) for 10 cents! There were originally twenty of them, but who cares. SCORE!


  1. Daughters are wonderful for so many reasons! I also have a couple of fabulous daughters and one of them took me to an auction last weekend and found a bed for me for $2.50. A double sized bed even! When I learn the lingo, I may just learn to like auctions.

  2. Public Servie Announcement: Auctions can be addictive!

    I love auctions and would go to more of them if they would auction the things I want to bid on first. How inconsiderate of them! Ha! Hate to wait; that's time I could be shopping the yard sales.

  3. Love those "Wow...low price" commercials. Love your posts too...your anonymous sister...

  4. Nice, nice, nice, nice! I was lucky this weekend at the yardsales too. No Renoir, though, but cool old cards, still!
